The best self-care often does not cost a lot…of money or time. The best self-care is often free.
Sometimes the best self-care is consuming less caffeine.
Sometimes the best self-care is saying “I forgive you.”
Sometimes the best self-care is saying, “I’m sorry.”
Sometimes the best self-care is saying “no.”
Sometimes the best self-care is saying “not now.”
Sometimes the best self-care is saying nothing at all.
Sometimes the best self-care is choosing not to explain yourself.
Sometimes the best self-care is resting.
Sometimes the best-self-care is taking a break from social media.
Sometimes the best self-care is catching up with that old friend on the phone.
Sometimes the best self-care is silence.
Sometimes the best self-care is speaking the truth.
Sometimes the best self-care is having the hard conversation.
Sometimes the best self-care is setting healthy boundaries.
Sometimes the best self-care is going to bed earlier; or drinking an extra glass of water twice a day.
Sometimes the best self-care is believing in the power of you in a world that tells you that you are not enough.
Sometimes the best self-care is believing you can in a world that tells you that you can’t.
Sometimes the best self-care is choosing faith in a world that tries to fill you with doubt.
Sometimes the best self-care is showing just EXACTLY how powerful you really are in a world that tries to get you to play it small.
Sometimes the best self-care is simply doing nothing at all.
Be the change. Set the stage. Choose differently. Lead by example. Choose YOURSELF.
Rise and shine.
It is time. Time to fly. Time to stop trying to change you. Time to stop choosing others over you. Time to realize that your children are watching you and you have a choice; a chance; to show them what self-care really looks like; how to use their power to choose and choose wisely. Maybe your intentional habits of growing self-care in your life will set the stage for them to naturally have healthy habits for themselves, their future, and one day their children…to do things differently. It is time.