I am so excited about this special giveaway I am running to promote my writing on NikolaRosa.com to increase visibility and my readership.
The Deal: Between now and September 24th (Tuesday) at 9pm Eastern Time, share one of my articles with one sentence on why you are sharing it or how the article is relevant or helpful, and email me to let me know you did at nikola@nikolarosa.com. Include your name, the article you shared and the sentence you included about it. You will then be entered in my giveaway contest.
The Prize: Three lucky winners will be selected randomly and receive an Empowerment and Self-Care Gift Basket valued at $30 or more handmade by me sent to them by mail. The winners will be announced on Wednesday, September 25th and the baskets will be mailed by September 26th via priority USPS mail.
NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. I actually do not even have ANYTHING for sale as of now via my website. I am hoping to start an Empowerment Coaching business soon, but that is all folks. There is no catch and no risk. Your personal information will not be given away or sold at all for marketing purposes. You will not be subscribed to any mailing list or electronic mailing list.
If you are curious what your likelihood of winning is, I will say the last time I offered a contest with a $50 restaurant gift card for the winner and not one person entered for whatever reason. That means if anyone had entered, they would have won $50 by default. Hopefully more people will take advantage of this giveaway because I love helping to empower others and promote self-care and who doesn’t love free stuff?! Self-care has literally changed my life. I want to pay it forward.
The ONLY limitation: Winners cannot be related to me. I am sorry to my family, you all know I love you a TON!
Good luck everyone!
Love yourself
Thank you for the chance
Your awesome sauce