
To Be Or Not To Be: Who You Want To Be

I have recently re-entered the dating world after an eight-year sabbatical due to love, marriage, sudden loss, and traumatic grief. The idea of dating again is daunting to say the least. When I considered getting back in the game, I did not think it sounded like a...

Confidence, Energy & Stress

Non-Compete Agreement

About 15 years ago, I underwent my first background investigation for a Top-Secret security clearance. My employer advised me it cost roughly $3500 at that time for my investigation. They required I sign a non-compete agreement stating I would not go to work for...


Empowerment Vision Book

I want to FEEL empowerment. I want to feel empowered in situations where I am wrought with fear and anxiety. I want to be proactive about this instead of reactive. Looking at pictures from the last year in my life, there are many moments where I had to face a fear...

Confidence, Eating, Priorities


Unlimited data! Unlimited prints! Unlimited shrimp! You name it, it is there. In our consumer-driven society, the golden egg seems to be something, in fact anything, that is offered to us “unlimited.” It sounds so enticing because we can have as much as we want and...


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Nikola Rosa
Charlotte, NC

Nikola Rosa is an artistic rendering of the soul that has come to exist after rising from the ashes. Her thoughts are from Nancy Gass, and yet they are in some ways, a different person entirely. We all have hearts and souls that are a deep ocean of complexity and this dichotomy is no different.