The Caffeine Crutch
Before I had kids, I had an ongoing flirtation with coffee. It picked me up when I was down, soothed me on a cold winter day, and helped me get through all-nighters in college. We never went steady though. That is, until I had kids. When I became a mom, the sleep...
Personality and Parenting
Do you do your best thinking in the shower? I do. Do you struggle for energy as a parent with all the responsibilities and social activities? I sure do. What can I say, I am an introvert. Parenting as an introvert has it’s challenges. This is even more challenging...
The Grief Virus
When you lose someone you love so intimately, like a spouse, it is like catching a virus: the grief virus. The grief virus infects every area of your life: your social life, your romantic life, your financial life, your parenting life, and so on. There is nothing...
Presence Over Presents Part II
What if our presents this year were ONLY presence?! What if instead of the overwhelming, budget-breaking, stress-filled process of making a list of people, ideas of presents for them, searching for the presents, price-comparing, purchasing and wrapping, instead we...