Full Disclosure (My Alcohol-Free Life)
If you read Mocktails for Mommy, you know I recently decided to take a break from alcohol for a year via One Year No Beer (OYNB), an online program which I highly recommend. If you too have any concerns about the impact of alcohol on your life or want a status...
The POWER of a “Nothing Day”
Wow, it is only 0843 and I am already feeling refreshed. I did not plan today, but it is a breath of fresh air. I woke up this morning and realized I had nothing on my calendar. I had nowhere that I “had” to be; and no children jumping up and down asking what would...
The Flying Blueberry Mojito
In my mocktail creation experimentation, I have been trying to create drinks that are not loaded with sugar. I love lime and mint, so a virgin mojito seemed the obvious choice. I love it! So here is my twist: Add blueberries for the wonderful health benefits and...
Mocktails for Mommy
Have you ever thought your alcohol use might be a problem? Have you ever woke up feeling like a trainwreck and spent most of the day recovering because you had a few too many the night before? Have you ever done or said something you regret because you were under...