
3 Ways to Live Today Like it is Your Last…

We have all heard the songs…seen the tragedies…experienced loss. We all KNOW we don’t know what day will be our last. We all want to live a good life. We all hope whatever day becomes our last will be well spent, but how do we do it? How do we actually live today...

Faith & Service, Priorities

A 90-Day Adventure in ThanksLiving

“It is not happy people who are thankful. It is thankful people who are happy.” I do not know who coined that beautiful quote, but I love it. We all know it is best to have an “attitude of gratitude,” but sometimes it is easier said than done. My pastor spoke today...

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Nikola Rosa
Charlotte, NC

Nikola Rosa is an artistic rendering of the soul that has come to exist after rising from the ashes. Her thoughts are from Nancy Gass, and yet they are in some ways, a different person entirely. We all have hearts and souls that are a deep ocean of complexity and this dichotomy is no different.