Faith & Service, Priorities

This I Pray

I want to be unbusy. I am so tired of living “busy.” If I am busy though, I pray it is doing something that sets my soul on fire. There are so many people I love, people I want to see, things I want to do, stories I want to tell, books I want to read, songs I want...


The Life in your Years

We should not “what if” things, they say. I have been thinking though, what if you looked at your life in the schematic of annual one-liners?! What would it look like? Would there be something significant to highlight from each year that made the daily grind...


The Stuntman

A young motorcycle stuntman was on his way to perform in a stunt show centered on safety. For this reason, he was dressed to the nines in all the proper safety gear. Let it be said that this man NEVER wore ALL his safety gear. Not even close. Despite the fact that...

Faith & Service, Priorities

Caring is a Brave Choice

It seems to me that sometimes when we lose someone we love, our sensitivity shoots up to the things we hear and these small comments or words can stay with us in a profound way. After my husband died, someone said “…he just genuinely cared for everybody around...

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Nikola Rosa
Charlotte, NC

Nikola Rosa is an artistic rendering of the soul that has come to exist after rising from the ashes. Her thoughts are from Nancy Gass, and yet they are in some ways, a different person entirely. We all have hearts and souls that are a deep ocean of complexity and this dichotomy is no different.