To the man…
To the man who thinks I am lucky to have him…that I should take whatever I can get because I have “baggage”…no thanks, you can stay on the shelf and wait for someone else (my guess is you’ll end up on clearance!). P.S. Kids are not baggage. They are human beings...
Epic Self-Care
Where other attempts at self-improvement may fail you, consistent self-care never will. The benefits are HUGE. The cost: Time and effort. The reality we know is that anything worth having takes time and energy. Why is it so hard for us to consistently make...
Forward Momentum and Flexibility
"It is not what you do one day. It is what you do every day." This is so important. If it is what you ate today, missing the gym, missing your Bible reading, or whatever it may be that did not go according to your plan, gift yourself grace. The variety and...
Resilience Ratio
What is your “bounce back-ability?” When life seems to knock you down, how fast can you pop back up? It reminds me of boxing. “Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee.” Think how fast an animal that flies pops back up when the wind knocks it back. Life does that...