3 Reasons to Give Up Dating for Good
Live LOVE Empowered Brought to you by Live Life Empowered By Nancy Gass 1. Dating (like dieting😉) does NOT work! Let’s face it. Dating, especially online dating, USUALLY does not work. Why?! Well, first of all, it is intentional. Love rarely happens...
30 Things I Learned In My 30’s
Things I know to be true... 1. Everything happens for a reason. 2. Relationships unravel the way they are meant to. 3. Whatever is meant for you will find you. 4. The person God has for you will not let you slip away. That person will not take you for granted. That...
Oh me, oh my, there is nothing that inspires penetrating anxiety like the fear of a panic attack. How ironic, since, after all, a panic attack is really just extreme anxiety. It was about a year after my husband died that I had my first panic attack, on the road at...
You Think You’re the Only One?!
So you’re not who you used to be and it sucks. You miss your old identity and purpose. You think you’re the only one?! I get it. I miss being a Special Agent every day. I miss getting paid to globe trot and the autonomy of my career, the government vehicle, the...