She Changed

She Changed

She changed. She learned to romanticize her life, accepting even the tragic events in her romance. She put herself around people that also lived from their hearts. She made peace with herself and her story. She learned how and why and when to argue. She...

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Just Walk

Just Walk

When you have a craving, be it for a cookie or a cocktail, walk. When you’re angry, be it at the world or yourself, walk. When you’re disappointed, be it downtrodden from a bad day or because your dream has dashed away, walk. When you’re frustrated, whether...

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Time v. Money

Time v. Money

A Line of Thought Brought to You by Live Life Empowered by Nancy Gass “Time is a thief,” the saying goes. I say, steal back as much as you can! I will never stop reiterating that time and energy, especially emotional energy, are our most precious resources,...

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