Yet Mindset

Yet Mindset

As with most things, Yet mindset is two sides of the same coin. You can drink alcohol and say, well I am fine because that hasn’t happened to me (yet), or I haven’t done that (yet), so l’m not that bad; alcohol is not a problem for me...

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Fear of People

Fear of People

I’ve been reading a really good book lately called The Authenticity Project. In the book, a question is asked, “What is the one thing that defines you, that makes everything else about you fall into place?” I have thought long and hard about this question...

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She Changed

She Changed

She changed. She learned to romanticize her life, accepting even the tragic events in her romance. She put herself around people that also lived from their hearts. She made peace with herself and her story. She learned how and why and when to argue. She...

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