“It is not happy people who are thankful. It is thankful people who are happy.” I do not know who coined that beautiful quote, but I love it. We all know it is best to have an “attitude of gratitude,” but sometimes it is easier said than done. My pastor spoke today about the concept of “Thanksliving” which is really just gratitude in practice.
I started thinking about my own life and one thing I know for sure is that the more I focus on gratitude, the happier I feel regardless of my circumstances. The difference is tangible. I also know that gratitude, like love, is best when shared…so here’s the adventure:
For the next 90 days, my kids and I are going to wake up and the first thing we will do is write a handwritten letter, note, or thank you card to someone who has helped us, blessed us, or in some cases, made our lives more joyful just by being a part of our lives.
I hypothesize this is going to make all three of us feel more grateful and joyful than we could imagine right now and hopefully spread a bit of joy in the process. I will do a follow-up article on this adventure, but for now, if you are reading this, thank you. Thank you for listening. If you would like to try this adventure as well, please comment. I would love to hear about your experience.
With gratitude,
Nikola Rosa