When we plant seeds, literally or figuratively, in any aspect of our lives or the lives of those around us, it’s only human to want to see them grow. When we put in effort, we expect to see results. But outcome-based thinking is a dangerous tightrope to walk because the truth is, even though we get to plant seeds, we aren’t the ones who truly make them grow; God does that. We plant, he waters and the Holy Spirit makes the magic happen.

Things don’t always grow the way we want; things don’t always go the way we want. We can’t control how things go or grow; all we can do is plant seeds, and if we’re lucky, get the opportunity to water them. The question becomes, if we plant seeds, and nothing grows, was it all for naught?! Was it worth it? What was the point?!

The answer, I believe, is yes, it is worth it to plant seeds even only for the sake of themselves. Every “seed” experience is a gift; a life-giving opportunity of connection, purpose and hope. After all, when we plant the seeds, we have no idea until later which of them will grow. If we didn’t plant a seed because it might not grow, we’d never plant anything. This is the space for living by faith. You have to plant, you have to sow. The rest is not up to us, except to say, water those seeds whenever you can; be part of the growth and watch the miracles in life all around you grow. Good things come to those who wait.